Autonomous Ship







The mission of the foundation of the ‘Centre for Maritime Technology and Innovation’ (CMTI) is to enhance technical innovation activities in the maritime industry.

By initiating project proposals, preparing the contents, consortium and finances of projects and also by coordinating the execution of the projects, is CMTI a professional in this industry. Both in national and European setting!

CMTI is a worthy partner for companies and knowledge institutes for cooperative innovation projects. Based on extensive maritime expertise is CMTI a trusted partner to set up successful projects.




CMTI is focused on the spearheads of the maritime research agenda:

* designing concept developments
* reducing fuel consumption and emissions
* optimizing the intelligence of ship systems
* developing maritime rules and regulations

Because of the close cooperation with the Holland Shipbuilding Association and with the public bodies, CMTI is always informed about the latest developments and innovations of maritime research.





CMTI carries out a feasibility study on the topic of autonomous ships. In this study the potential of remote vessel state monitoring and state influencing is investigated to be able to sail with less crew or even without crew.

If information about the state and behaviour of the ship (hull and shapes, machines, systems, etc.) can be sent ashore the following possibilities may arise:

* Better controllability of the ship linked to, amongst others, the weather conditions and avoiding spilling of energy.

* Predictable maintenance that will reduce the frequencies and required time for maintenance and will reduce or prevent the damage to the hull, the machinery and systems.

* Reduction of the crew to (almost) unmanned sailing.

* A better knowledge on how the ship behaves in practice, also allows the designer to reduce the safety margins and to realise a (ship) performance that may better match the required real operational conditions.

At first the state of art will be investigated regarding remote data communications for ships, related to the parameters and systems to support the control of (almost) unmanned

Also a concept will be developed for remote shore-based control of an (almost) unmanned ship.





CMTI is an agency of the Holland Shipbuilding Association. This association serves the interests of the shipbuilding and maritime supply industry in The Netherlands.

Holland Shipbuilding Association represents the interests of the Dutch maritime industries. It represents a total maritime turnover of € 7.3 billion and a combined direct workforce of over 34,500 people.

Holland Shipbuilding Association offers expertise in the fields of innovation policy, finance, environmental and health & safety policy, subsidies, European affairs, government policy, public relations, marketing, and branch matters.


Scheepsbouw Nederland is de gezamenlijke organisatie van Vereniging Nederlandse Scheepsbouwindustrie (VNSI) en Vereniging Holland Marine Equipment. Scheepsbouw Nederland zet zich op daadkrachtige wijze in voor de branche en maakt zich sterk voor een positief maatschappelijk imago van de Nederlandse maritieme industrie.








About the project

Project Name: Retrofitting ships with new technologies for improved overall environmental footprint
Project Acronym: RETROFIT
Project Reference: 285420
Call ID: FP7-SST-2011-RTD-1
Start Date: 2011-01-10
End Date: 2014-01-10
Duration: 36 months
Activity code: Sustainable Surface Transport (SST) The greening of surface transport SST.2011.1.1-2
Contract Type: Small or medium-scale focused research project Project

RETROFIT “Retrofitting ships with new technologies for improved overall environmental footprint” aims to initiate a new impulse in combating climate change by improving the environmental efficiency of waterborne transportation, specifically the environmental footprint of existing ships.

RETROFIT will provide the European shipbuilding & ship repair industry and marine equipment suppliers with efficient methods and tools for retrofitting of existing ships with green technologies, hereby serving the broader interest for clean, safe and competitive European waterborne transportation in a period of lesser economic windfall, and with a view to meeting future market and societal needs. The project is funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme.


Envisaged results

The envisaged results of RETROFIT are:

A list of green technologies and components which can be fitted to existing ships considering existing and expected legislation on energy, emissions and safety. 

Methods to identify ship candidates for retrofitting based on (rest) life cycle considerations and tools to assess the overall economic performance of ships before and after retrofitting.

Methods and tools for assessing various configurations of ship main and auxiliary systems regarding energy usage and emissions under operational conditions.

Methods and tools for “reverse engineering” enabling to build product models suitable for the retrofitting process.
Methods and tools to control ships energy and emission performance: decision support systems for emission control and energy optimization over the entire service profile, monitoring and managing retrofitted technologies performance throughout the remaining life cycle.

Design-for-retrofitting methodology based on standardisation and modularisation principles.
Recommendations in support of policy measures to mitigate emissions.


Description of Work

RETROFIT work programme follows closely the envisaged retrofitting process which contains the following steps:

Identify (retrofitting) candidates. The main issue is the ability to determine suitable retrofit ship candidates. 
Identify retrofitting needs. The main issue is to identify ships systems and equipment that could be replaced or modified by “greener” solutions.

Identifying available and suitable green technologies to replace obsolete technologies onboard. The main issue is to combine these new technologies into a consistent configuration.

Re-designing the ship configuration. The main issue is to integrate the new technologies with those onboard without affecting the ship safety and functionality.

Assessment of the retrofitted ship. The main issue is to establish the benefit of retrofitting in terms of better economic and/or environmental performance.






Information of ASV project:

phone 0031 10 44 44 330 / 0031 6 50 68 19 08




Dr. Ir. Michael Goldan, R&D consultant
phone number: 0031 79 35 31 177 / 0031 6 19 40 16 52


Ir. Boudewijn Hoogvelt, Innovation manager
phone number: 0031 10 44 44 330 / 0031 6 50 68 19 08


Ir. Marnix Krikke, Director
phone number: 0031 10 44 44 330 / 0031 6 54 21 37 53


Annemarie Labee, Project Support
phone number: 0031 10 44 44 330









http://www.scheepsbouw.nl/ - Dutch Shipbuilding Association

http://www.retrofit-project.eu/ - European Commission 7th Framework innitiative

http://www.cmt-net.org/ - Germany: Centre of Maritime Technologies








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